Wednesday, 5 March 2014


In our difficult days we pray to GOD please help.When our wish is fulfilled we thank GOD and think HE is great ,he listens to our prayers,HE can do whatever HE wants, any miracle.Ofcours HE does.It is HE whome we can trust and depend upon.
    But when our wish is not fulfilled or uncertainty prevails, we become impatient,start loosing faith,console ourselves by saying its destiny.Now this is the question?
       If every thing is destind,then why we ask for favers from HIM.
         Actually it is very confusing.Its difficult to understand.When every thing is destined then why should we pray? But, then whome should we depend upon?Who will help us in our bad days?If we will depend on destiny,then we will stop making efforts and become lazy.Thats not fair.
      We should believe in Karm .We should do our part and leave the rest on HIM. But when we are in trouble whome should we look upon?Who will help us?We are like small children we cannot survive without HIS help. Someone has truely said,
                               " Someone asked GOD                                      If everything is already written in destiny then why should we wish for something?"
           GOD smiled and said,"Maybe in few places I have written,
                           "As you wish"
 So the jist is we shouldnot forget HIM, HE is always there for us.But big 'but' prevails,when?
     Do your bit and leave everything on HIM.HE is the best judge.
                         Have faith in HIM
                              "THE GOD"
                                                   We believe in YOU